Hello world!

Welcome to a Day in the Life of Me!

I have decided to start this blog because I have a lot of things going on in my life right now (good and bad) and some of those things I feel like I can’t share with anyone I know personally. That’s why I love the idea of writing a blog because I can share my day with people all around the world without them knowing me, so I won’t be judged for what I say. This is one of the reasons why I have decided to write this blog anonymously.

My hope for this blog is that I share what happened in my day and hopefully you can share what happened in your day in the comments. Therefore we can all help each other. You can comment anonymously too if you like or you can share your name – but please do what you feel comfortable with.

Although I am writing anonymously, I can share some information about me with you.

  1. I am a teenage girl
  2. I live in England by the sea
  3. I love writing and aspire to be an author when I am older.
  4. I love reading books. I always have a book on me at all times. My favourite genres are fantasy and contemporary/realistic fiction.
  5. I enjoy listening to music. My parents brought me up to like the same styles of music as they do.
  6. I bake frequently and most of the time I bring what I baked into school for my tutor group to eat.

I have to go now, but thank you for reading this blog post. It means a lot to me.

Until next time, goodbye.

12 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. Hello!!
    My name is Maddie and i couldn’t help but notice that everything that you have just written about yourself in the post above also applies to me too. Well except for the ‘Lives in England by the Sea’, but someday i hope to make that one true for myself. But anyway, I wanted to tell you how much i have been enjoying your blog. I also have a blog but i am way too afraid to put what i really think of a lot of things since a lot of my family and people from school read it and know who i am. i would absolutely love it if you could respond. Maybe we could keep in touch and be blogging buddies but anyway me writing this is distracting me from doing what i really should be doing right now which is homework.
    Blog: Sundaysaresunny
    P.S. I saw your comment on Zoella’s blog so thats just another thing we have in common that we like her blog, do you like other youtubers and bloggers too? Just wondering.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Maddie!
      Thank you for such a lovely comment. It has really brightened up my day as it is raining here at the moment*sad face emoji*. I am so pleased you are enjoying my blog and I would love to blogger friends. You can contact me by emailing me at adayinthelifeofme@mail.com and all my other social networking platforms are in the contact me section(link at the top of the page). I can’t wait to hear from you and I will definitely be checking out your blog. In answer to your question, I do like other youtubers and bloggers, but perhaps from making this into a r e a l l y long comment I could tell you about that in an email. I look forward yo being friends!
      Happy Blogging!


  2. Hello there! I was just browsing through a couple of blogs when I stumbled upon yours and discovered this amazing little corner of the blogging world! I’m a teenage girl too so I can really relate to your posts (which are amazing btw!) Feel free to say hello and check out my blog too:) Good luck and I will definitely keep up to date with your posts ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! Thank you for looking at my blog and for leaving such a lovely comment – it made my day. I’ll definitely go and check your blog out. Perhaps we could email at some point and become friends(my email is in the contact me section which you can find through the menu)? Happy Blogging! xx


    2. Hello! Thank you for looking at my blog and for leaving such a lovely comment – it made my day. I’ll definitely go and check your blog out. Perhaps we could email at some point and become friends(my email is in the contact me section which you can find through the menu)? Happy Blogging! xx


  3. Um, I think there’s a big possibility that WE’RE CLONES because I love EVERYTHING about music and literature too! I also blog for the same reason:)


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi! I’m Penguin. I found your blog and I decided to check it out. After reading that, I realised that we’re quite similar! I’m a teenage girl, I live in England, I want to be an author, I love reading and writing and I love music! I know you’ve probably had a lot of comments like this, but I’ll post it anyway.

    My blog if you want to check me out – https://anamityoutlook.wordpress.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How funny we are so similar. What type of things do you like to write? Happy Blogging! xx


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