Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November

This year my family held a party to celebrate Bonfire Night. We invited friends and family round to our house in the evening. We set off fireworks, used sparklers and sat around the bonfire. It was a lovely evening.

Sparklers are one of my favourite things when it comes to Bonfire Night; I love the sound they make and how they illuminate the face of the person holding it.

The moon joined in the celebrations, looking as spectacular as ever.

In between setting the fireworks off, we all gathered round the bonfire, playing drinking games, telling stories and catching up with those we hadn’t spoken to for a while. The crackling noises it made were just as wonderful as the marshmallows we melted over it.

At any party my family holds bottle candles can be found somewhere. On this particular night we ate our food by the candlelight.


How did you celebrate Bonfire Night this year? Let me know in the comments.

Happy Blogmas! x


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